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Canine kidney disease is a complex, shocking, and confusing diagnosis to be given by a vet. Owners often want to understand why it has happened, what it means, and what can be done to help improve the dog's longevity and quality of life. My articles below will help answer these questions and provide ideas, suggestions, and support for ongoing management and treatment. I have been writing about this dreadful disease for many years and I continue to undertake online research, identify new studies, and pass any useful information I find on to others through my articles and online in many of the specialist groups I am involved with. Everything on this website is provided free to read. However, please note that any copying or publishing requires my written consent. If you are a magazine or website editor, please feel free to approach me for a bespoke article. In the meantime, I hope you find each piece informative, helpful, and useful in helping your best friend.